Contemplative Revolution

God not Among the Gods with James Alison

Episode Summary

Are you a lonely self-starter or are you relationally brought into being? That is a question James Alison starts this talk. This is important is because when we're talking about God is going to make a huge difference whether you are lonely individuals who know something, this or that, or if you're relationally brought into being then you are a body that over time has been brought into being by people others than ourselves. We were nourished, fed, nurtured, given habits of gesture and were given the resources that our society give us and we became relatively successful navigator of all that.

Episode Notes

This is the opening talk by James Alison of the retreat 'Basic Christianity: what does the “real thing” look like when all the kitsch has collapsed?' Online Seminar, 21-26 July 2020

Coming soon: James is leading a new online retreat from Bonnevaux!

5 - 9 May 2021: Basic Christianity: An Induction into the Life of Jesus the Forgiving Victim

A 5-day retreat examining the central elements of the Christian faith, with James Alison. More info and registrations here.

Soundtrack: Aourourou by Blue Dot Sessions is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.