Contemplative Revolution

Kim Nataraja on Dancing with your Shadow Part 1: Making sense of the crisis

Episode Summary

In this episode you’re going to listen to the first session of the series Who do You think You are? by Kim Nataraja This is part of the Contemplative Through The Crisis programme held in April 2020. Kim Nataraja in conversation with Laurence Freeman on her book Dancing with Your Shadow and the connection with the current pandemic crisis. Kim will use her book as a way of helping people to make sense of this experience of the crisis we’re passing through and the importance of a spiritual path that we can follow, or deepen through this time of uncertainty and suffering. Kim will walk us through meditation and the essential role it plays in the time we live in at the moment.

Episode Notes

Know more on The Contemplative Path Through the Crisis here

Watch all talks from this series here

Kim Nataraja has been a contemplative since her youth and joined The World Community for Christian Meditation in 1993. In 1998 she became a Benedictine Oblate to the Community. From 1999 to 2016, Kim was director of The World Community for Christian Meditation School of Meditation.

Kim is a trained Spiritual Director and has held a variety of meditation days/weekends and retreats in the UK, Europe, the US, Canada and Singapore. Her particular interests are those inspiring figures from the Christian spiritual tradition, who guide us in the contemplative life, and the ways in which psychological insights can aid our progress. Kim is a retired College Lecturer and former Head of Department of Modern Languages.


Soundtrack: Aourourou by Blue Dot Sessions is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.