Contemplative Revolution

What is Mysticism? with Prof Bernard McGinn

Episode Summary

In this talk, Prof Bernard McGinn, the preeminent scholar in the field, gives a panoramic view of the mystical and sets the scene for the course. He explores the nature of mysticism and why Christian mysticism is so important. What does the word “mysticism” mean? Is it an exclusive state, just for the few or is it for all? What is a mystic and why are they crucial to humankind? And why does Karl Rahner, a 20th-century theologian say “The Christian of the future will either be a mystic or will not be a Christian at all?”

Episode Notes

Bernard is the Naomi Shenstone Donnelly Professor emeritus of the University of Chicago, where he taught for thirty-four years before retiring in 2003. Since his retirement, he has continued to teach, lecture and write. His major work is a history of western Christian mysticism under the general title The Presence of God, seven volumes of which have been published between 1991 and 2017.

To continue your journey on Christian Mysticism, we recommend the course The Roots of Christian Mysticism: First Term 

The entire course is divided into 3 terms and each term consists of 8 Lessons.  Each lesson focuses on a mystic, and we learn about the times they lived in, their life witness and their spirituality.  Each lesson also has extracts from their writings and inspirations to help us in our spiritual practice.  There is also a bibliography, audio and visual recordings to allow you to explore further. This course is not just an intellectual exercise but a journey from the mind to the heart – a spiritual journey of discovery. So we invite you to meditate at the beginning of each lesson and to experience this contemplative dimension of faith.

Soundtrack: Aourourou by Blue Dot Sessions is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.